What is BiomeIQ?

What is biome IQ?

Biome IQ is the only company with a certified line of medical grade supplements designed for MTHFR mutations. Our products exceed the general professional guidelines, offer maximum purity, exceptional absorbability and have been clinically proven.

Our Customers

Biome IQ’s products are focused on helping individuals with MTHFR mutations get the proper methylation and nutrients they need in order to detoxify their bodies and reduce their symptoms. We are the first company to create genetically specific protocols based on MTHFR gene mutations. Our products are medical grade, meaning they have increased potency, purity, and bioavailability available and provide efficacy and consistency in each dose.

MTHFR mutations affect every person differently, from very mild and noticeable symptoms, to very serious, long-term health problems.MTHFR is a gene that provides the body with instructions for making a certain enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. In fact, “MTHFR” is the shortened name for this enzyme.

About Us

Body Science is a Miami-based company that routinely diagnoses and treats conditions of auto-immunity, inflammation and genetic mutations including MTHFR. It’s not uncommon for us to have a handful of new patients that come in to clinic and are diagnosed weekly with MTHFR or those that we meet online and treat. A lot of people have been researching online and read plenty of information that’s very negative; it may be time to actually take a look at the MTHFR mutations from a different angle.

We are a team, helping patients get what they are searching for: better health and wellness. Body Science thrives on a people-first culture of strong customer service, personal excellence, high energy, and true enjoyment of helping people improve their health.

Our medical directors are Bruce S. Rubin, MD and Amy Kaye, ARNP

What if Your Child's ADHD was reversible?

#1 cause of ADHD is an effect of the toxins children encounter daily. 40% of the population can’t properly digest toxins due to a gene mutation called MTHFR. Without the natural detoxification of the body due to an MTHFR mutation, symptoms upon ingesting these chemicals result in a lack of focus, exhaustion, and other symptoms relating to ADHD. Fixing the MTHFR mutation can, in turn, eliminate the symptoms of ADHD resulting in a more focused and attentive mind.

How is MTHFR Treated?

The best way to reduce your child’s ADHD symptoms is by fixing the MTHFR mutation.

Does your child eat lunch and then feel foggy and less focused afterward?

Does your child have an aversion to strong smelling chemicals?

If the answer is yes, then an alternative to stimulants and their side effects are available to your children. Treatment of MTHFR varies depending on the child’s genetic mutation or genome.

Test TODAY, learn which MTHFR mutation your child has and get a better understanding of how to treat your child