Testimonial, Nicole talks about her experience with Detox, Symptoms, Before and After, Support, Results! Testimonial - Nicole

A Program Designed to Address the Most Common Underlying Causes of Chronic Health Challenges and MTHFR

Laura and Sammy talk about their experience with BiomeIQ’s Detox
Sammy talks about how the Detox fixed her migraines, nosebleeds, canker sores, etc. Also how she felt before, during and after the process.


Detoxification and Metabolic Clearing Formula. Absolutely essential to support the natural detoxification pathway which can be reduced by MTHFR mutations.

What Does BiomeIQ’s Detox Do and How does it Work?

MTHFR mutations cause an inability to make adequate methylation. Methylation is essential for detoxification, resulting in the inability to clear toxins from the body leading to an overload of toxicity. Detoxification is critical to being healthy with MTHFR mutations because it helps get out chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, food, and all the bad things that we put into our bodies.
Our detox is a combination of two different products: Detox P5.0 and the Detox Shake P5.0. This is a phase 1 and phase 2 liver detox. The detox is typically the starting point for most patients, we see in clinic with MTHFR mutations. Before getting involved with methylation and the supplementation for it, the first place to start should be getting the toxins out so the nutrients have a better rate of working...
This detox is a Phase 1 and Phase 2 Detox. The liver uses certain vitamins, cofactors, minerals, and nutrition to drive both phase 1 and phase 2. This detox is the combination of all the ingredients used by the liver and kickstarts the liver into phase 1 and allows Phase 2 to work properly. The goal of this detox is to make sure to detoxify the body and to reduce chronic inflammation. This detox is needed to compensate for the fact that given a MTHFR mutation, toxins will build up within the body each year. Symptoms build up due to toxicity therefore removing toxins from the body helps reduce these symptoms of toxicity. 
Common signs your body needs a detox
  • Irregular periods
  • Migraines
  • Cold hands 
  • Hot flashes 
  • Weight gain/Bloating 
  • Foggy brain 
  • Poor focus and concentration 
  • Fatigue 
  • Low energy 
  • Skin problems 
  • Anxiety 
  • Nausea 
  • Inflammation

MTHFR and Detox (Transcript from video)

Today, we're talking about MTHFR. So no surprise, let's talk detox. Because MTHFR at the end of the day is a condition where there's not enough methylation. Methylation is critical for detoxification. Folate reductase is critical to make detoxifiers as well. For that reason, at the core, MTHFR can oftentimes lead to toxicity, and detoxification becomes a critical part of staying healthy when you have MTHFR. It's your way of getting all the bad stuff out.

All right, so there's two things that I like. This detox is the combination of two different products. Let me see if I can put them over here. Okay. One is a shake, and the other is a package of pills. The way that this detox works, if you did it all in pills and we try to avoid a shake, I just can't even imagine how many pills would be involved in this whole thing. This is a phase one and phase two liver detox. That's critical for MTHFR. For any of you science geeks that wanna have more information on what this detox actually does, geek out with me in a science moment. Otherwise, this is the MTHFR detox. Out of all the folks that we've seen here in clinic with MTHFR, being a large MTHFR focused clinic here in South Florida, this is probably my favorite. It's certainly the starting point with most folks that come on in, because again, the problem isn't MTHFR, the problem is toxicity that results from it. And so before you even get involved with methylation and everything else as far as MTHFR treatment, so whether you're taking vitamin D or CoQ10 for your MTHFR mutation, your first place to start is get the dirty out.


Tech Talk (Transcript from tech video)

All right all you science nerds, me included, let's talk about detoxification and MTHFR. So at the very core of MTHFR what happens is bodies don't make enough methylation, right? And methylation is nothing more than a garbage can but it's very specific for the kind of garbage that goes there. So the analogy that I normally use here in the office it's like your recycled garbage. So you're gonna take your recycle and you're gonna put it typically in a blue garbage can or at least for me, in the city that I live in, down here in Miami, that's what they require. The rest of my garbage goes in green. Here's the bottom line, if I take my recyclables and I put it in the green garbage can, the folks who take the garbage away, they don't know it, right? So they don't recycle it. If it's in the green garbage can they put it in the regular garbage.

MTHFR is kind of similar. Methylation is one way to remove garbage. So there's other ways as well, bodies acetylate, garbage out, they glucuronate, garbage out, they use sulfur groups. So MTHFR is one path to remove toxins. And if you're watching this video and you have MTHFR then what you have is a methylation deficiency. Okay. In addition to the fact that you don't make methylation properly, folate reductase is a critical component at the end of the mitochondrial cycle. Folate reductase is a critical enzyme in converting folate to its usable form which is a methyl tetra hydro version which then creates methyl burps. So that's MTHFR kind of in a nutshell, right, the methylation component, the folate reductase component.

The question is what does the liver do when methylation is involved as far as detoxifying? Well, it does the same thing that it uses the other components for it to detoxify. So, again, whether your glucuronate, whether your acetylate, it looks for anything that already has a methyl group over there. And it's already chosen its garbage can. So if this is the blue garbage can anything that has methylation is now going to go into that blue garbage can. The liver has two phases when it comes to detoxification. Phase one is conjugation. Phase two is elimination.

Now, I told you this was a geek out moment so here we go with this whole thing. When materials come into the liver the first thing the liver has to do is make it water soluble. So think about cleaning your own table. For example, maybe you spill salad dressing like an oil-based dressing, and then if you try and clean that up with water chances are the only thing that you do is smear it everywhere. So the liver knows that as well. It has lots of things that come on in and it needs to be able to make it water soluble to move it forward.

So phase one liver detoxification is take something and make is soluble. Phase two detoxification is where methylation plays, that's where you take that they get soluble, water soluble, so it can be safely eliminated and you put it in the right garbage can, and so if it's a toxin that requires methylation that's where methyl groups become credible. So the question is what is this detox? It is a phase one, phase two liver detox. What does that mean? It means that you're liver naturally uses certain vitamins, cofactors, minerals, and general nutrition to drive both phase one and phase two. This is the combination of those same ingredients.

So first, what this does, it turns on phase one and then allows phase two to work properly. The goal of this detox is to make sure to detoxify, right, to compensate for the fact that given an MTHFR mutation toxins have built up each year. And so typically symptoms will occur not because of the mutation but because an individual is toxic. It's my favorite way to start an MTHFR protocol so well before here in the office we make the recommendation to use methylation like a methylation product.

We talked earlier about pure methylation for that reason but even before adding methylation on board, the question is before you get to phase two methylation, where is phase one, that's detoxification and that is the reason for this detoxification program. So keep in mind, again, if you're symptomatic and you have MTHFR so whether the symptoms are headaches or migraines, whether if you're a woman it's irregular periods, whether it's cold hands, cold feet, or even hot flashes, so temperature dysregulation issues, whether it's weight gain, whether it's foggy brain, poor focus and concentration, and a host of other MTHFR symptoms that I'm sure that you're aware of. Regardless of those symptoms, they're not happening because of MTHFR, they're a result of toxins that have built up and are now creating dysregulations around the body. The first place to start is to get those toxins out.