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What is BiomeIQ?
What is biome IQ? Biome IQ is the only company with a certified line of medical grade supplements designed for MTHFR mutations. Our products exceed the general professional guidelines, offer maximum purity, exceptional absorbability and have been clinically proven. Our Customers Biome IQ’s products are focused on helping individuals with MTHFR mutations get the proper methylation and nutrients they need in order to detoxify their bodies and reduce their symptoms. We are the first company to create genetically specific protocols based on MTHFR gene mutations. Our products are medical grade, meaning they have increased potency, purity, and bioavailability available and provide efficacy and consistency in each dose. MTHFR mutations affect every person differently, from very mild and noticeable symptoms, to...
MTHFR A1298C Mutation
What Does That Mean? MTHFR A1298C Terminology Basics: MTHFR is the short name for the genes that code for the enzyme that changes folic acid to the active form that your body uses (the long name is methylfolate reductace). 1298 is the marker for one particular MTHFR gene. The official genetics labeling of this gene is Rs1801131 At nucleotide 1298 of the MTHFR, there are two possibilities: A or C. 1298A (leading to a Glu at amino acid 429) is the most common while 1298C (leading to an Ala substitution at amino acid 429) is less common. 1298AA is the “normal” homozygous, 1298AC the heterozygous, and 1298CC the homozygous for the “variant”. You get one copy of this gene from...